These preliminary data are part of a larger qualitative study designed to explore the experiences and learnings of frontline wound care clinicians in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. This body of work may influence further research and the development of wound-related policies. Individuals on Wounds Canada’s mailing list were invited to describe their experiences in a qualitative survey. Questions focused on how the delivery of wound care services were influenced during the early months of COVID-19. Using a Likert Scale, and the option to provide additional details, participant responses varied and are represented by five overarching themes, which are discussed in this article. This research is significant in its description of the limitations and challenges healthcare providers faced when providing care during a pandemic. The data-collection process offers an outlet for clinicians to share their experiences and have their voices heard. It also provides possibilities for the provision of consistent and high-quality wound care during a pandemic. Furthermore, the data highlight some of the issues faced by clinicians and patients/families when technology is required as part of receiving care. These data could be used to develop new, or modify existing, professional development opportunities.