<p>A report was produced, focusing on the overall prevalence of lymphoedema in the West Midlands region with further analysis relating to diagnosis, caseload gender, average caseload, and staffing levels. The information was provided by 43% of British Lymphology Society members in the West Midlands between May and June 2012. However, the figures were affected by the lack of detailed information provided by services and the inclusion of patient discharge figures. The main findings indicated that the prevalence figure extrapolated was 0.153%, with primary lymphoedema accounting for 6% of caseload figures, compared to secondary lymphoedema accounting for 94%. The main diagnosis of primary lymphoedema was praecox, compared to secondary lymphoedema diagnosis being cancer related. Caseloads comprised an average of 574 people, with 94% being female. Staffing levels were compared to the proposed figures from the Wales lymphoedema strategy (Welsh Assembly Government, 2010), which indicated an understaffing of 22.7%. In conclusion, the report offers further insight into the prevalence figures within the West Midlands, and can be used as a benchmark for future research. However, this report has limitations that affect the accuracy of the figures produced. It has been recommended that an annual report, wider participation, increased detail, and inclusion of patient discharge figures would improve the accuracy and impact of a future report.</p>