Burn wounds are predisposed to infection and topical antimicrobial preparations are used both to prevent and treat infection. The choice of topical antimicrobial should be based on the ability of the agent to inhibit microorganisms that may be harmful within the wound bed and on the host. Silver is indicated when a local negative impact of bacterial colonisation is suspected and/or confirmed, because it has a broad antimicrobial effect. Technology Lipido-Colloid (TLC) is a matrix containing hydrocolloid and lipophilic substances that has been shown to promote the proliferation of fibroblasts and to be atraumatic for patients. TLC-Ag incorporates silver sulphate (3.5%) into the TLC matrix. When it is in contact with the wound, the dressing releases a constant supply of antibacterial silver. This article will discuss the use of antimicrobials in burn wound management, show the evidence for the TLC-Ag antimicrobial healing matrix and portray outcomes of cases of burns patients in India who have been managed with TLC-Ag.