Biatain® Silicone dressings: A case series evaluation

A Greco, H Cartier, JL Martinez, M Drouard-Segard, ML Garcia-Martinez, S Barrett
28 February 2014

<p>A multicentre case series was performed as a product evaluation of two new silicone wound dressings, Biatain® Silicone and Biatain® Silicone Lite (Coloplast A/S, Humlebaek, Denmark). This addressed the dressings’ overall usability (focusing on comfort for the patients and dressing handling for the healthcare practitioners) in a total of 39 patients who fulfilled the evaluation criteria. All investigators rated Biatain Silicone better than previously used products. The case series found that Biatain Silicone offers patients a comfortable treatment option with optimal exudate management for all evaluated wound types, and the dressings were very easy to apply and remove and stayed in place during wear.</p>

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