In 2013, Andreas Bruhin pioneered a novel approach to managing these particular concerns using ADAPTIC TOUCH in two patients. In these original DSW case studies, ADAPTIC TOUCH was chosen for its non-adherent properties, to encourage epithelialisation without the need to disturb the wound bed.
In this new document – International case series: ADAPTIC TOUCH® in partial-thickness skin graft donor-site wounds – outcomes for the protocol were consistently repeatable over 12 cases, demonstrating that using a protocol based on ADAPTIC TOUCH for split-thickness DSWs could eliminate variability in this area of practice while minimising patient discomfort during dressing wear and upon dressing removal. Clinicians were able to enact a straightforward, easy-to-replicate procedure that resulted in efficacious, uncomplicated healing that was ‘highly satisfactory’ in the vast majority of cases.
Supported by KCI – An Acelity Company