A focus on the Triangle of Wound Assessment — addressing the gap challenge and identifying suspected biofilm in clinical practice

Caroline Dowsett, Terry Swanson, Tonny Karlsmark
22 September 2019

Wound assessment should be comprehensive, systematic and evidencebased (World Union of Wound Healing Societies [WUWHS], 2016a). The Triangle of Wound Assessment offers clinicians a framework to assess the patient and their wound, taking into consideration the wound bed, wound edge and periwound skin (Dowsett et al, 2015). The framework can be adapted to incorporate new developments and new challenges in wound care such as the ‘gap challenge’ and biofilm prevention and management. Using the framework can assist in determining the status of the wound bed and support clinical decision making to prevent problems associated with exudate pooling at the wound bed and the potential for biofilm formation.

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